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Tips and Tricks For a French Press Coffee Maker

By Ems Aleks
Tips and Tricks For a French Press Coffee Maker- French press coffee maker was not only sold like wildfire in the States but is also the most popular plunger pot in Europe and Australia, which is adored by everyone who really likes coffee. Some French press machines are made differently, but the standard coffee maker comprises of a carafe that is cylindrical in shape and is made of glass and mesh filter that is generally made of stainless steel, this is used to filter out the grounded coffee beans so that your coffee stays at the top and you can drink it right away. You are sure to have coffee you can enjoy immediately each time you use your French press coffee maker. It is never good to leave unconsumed coffee for long a period of time in the coffee press, it is therefore advised you only brew what you normally drink on a regular basis. Once you know how to make French press coffee you will have no problem making just the amount that you will drink during a ten minute period.

After you have made the coffee in this coffee maker, ensure that you pour it into something else if there is some left over. If it is that you want to keep it warm, and then you may want to try using thermos or some other warming device. There are a few lessons to learn to know how to make French press coffee, the first is to actually get the water boiled before you start to grind the coffee beans because if the water is too hot you can actually scald your coffee, so it is recommended to have the boiled water being cooled while you grind your beans.

You should boil your water to about 200 degrees or anywhere between 190 and 205, this can be accomplished by boiling it in a kettle, whether a stove top one or a electric one. An electric will be preferred because of its features that allow easier gauging. Aside from knowing how to make French press coffee, you should also know little tricks and tips of how to keep your coffee warm, aside from pouring it into a thermos, you can opt to remove the parts from the French press coffee maker glass and pour hot water into it, the water can be from your tap, it doesn't matter. The hot water will make the glass warm and this will help in keeping the coffee warm when it is in the press pot. When your hot water from the kettle is ready to use, you can then throw out this water from the pipe and put the parts back into the coffee pot and make your coffee.

Thank you for reading the article : Tips and Tricks For a French Press Coffee Maker
see also :   How to Get the Best From Your French Press Coffee Maker

This Article is related to the subject of french press coffee maker [http://www.frenchpresshowto.com/how-to/choosing-a-french-press-coffee-maker/]. If you are looking for more information about how to make french press coffee then [http://www.frenchpresshowto.com/] is the greatest place for you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ems_Aleks
how to make french press coffee, french press coffee maker
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