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Want Great Tasting Iced Coffee? Here is How to Do It Like a Pro

Author: Marcey Barichello

Want Great Tasting Iced Coffee? Here is How to Do It Like a Pro - In the winter, we want coffee that is piping hot in order to keep our bodies from becoming icicles as we make our way to work, especially if that involves waiting at a train station or a bus stop. However, once it becomes summer and the frigid air is replaced by sweltering heat, all the coffee lovers migrate from the hot coffee to the iced brew.

A common problem for coffee drinkers who want to enjoy a refreshing cup of iced coffee is that they find it is rather expensive; part of the reason it costs more is due to the fact that it takes more time to make, thus more labor, etc. etc.). A great solution is to simply make the iced coffee yourself! There is a great way to make fantastic iced coffee yourself in one of two ways: make strong coffee and pour over ice cubes that were made from coffee OR to brew your coffee cold. However, when you do iced coffee from a K-Cup coffee maker, your coffee is going to be brewed hot, which means using ice cubes made from coffee. However, you can also use a K-Cup and just peel off the lid and use a French press.
When you brew your coffee hot before icing it, you will find that it does have a lot more flavor, however, it also has more acidity. The colder brewed coffee does not have nearly as much bold flavor. If you are choosing to brew via a K-Cup, here are the ingredients and tools you will need:
  • 1/3 cup of bold coffee from a K-Cup. If you can find a dark roast K-Cup, like a Sumatra or Brazilian blend, that will be a good blend for you.
  • 1 and ½ cups of cold, filtered water. Why filtered water? Filtered water makes for better coffee since it is pure, less in it to mess with the coffee.
  • Spices- this part is optional and you can avoid using. If you choose to use spices, then you can use nutmeg, ginger, coconut, cinnamon, chocolate powder (yes, we know chocolate is not a spice, just go with it), vanilla powder, etc.
Now, here is what you do, ready?
  1. Open the K-Cup and strain it with a French press. The French press will help make the coffee taste amazing. Use the filtered water here. Fill the press with the water and coffee. Do not push the plunger down yet.
  2. Put the press in the fridge and let it sit for however long you would like. For optimal coffee, go for 12 to 48 hours.
  3. Take the coffee out and push the plunger of the press down. Now your coffee is good to go.
  4. If you want to use ice coffee cubes in it, go ahead, but even without it, you are still good to go. Enjoy! 
Thank you for reading the article : Want Great Tasting Iced Coffee? Here is How to Do It Like a Pro

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/coffee-articles/want-great-tasting-iced-coffee-here-is-how-to-do-it-like-a-pro-7036228.html
About the Author
Coffeevines is an online coffee distributor of K-cup coffee! We carry many name brands of coffee, tea, & cocoa! Order online, get deliveries right to your door, & be happy sooner.
tags : iced coffee,best iced coffee,coffee tips,how to make good iced coffee,cold brew iced coffee,k cups,k cup coffee,k cup iced coffee,single cup coffee,k cups for iced coffee,mild roast coffee,medium roast coffee,dark roast,fair trade coffee
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