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Tips About How to Make Good Coffee

By P.S. Orr

Tips About How to Make Good Coffee - Learning how to make good coffee isn't really that hard, but it does take a little knowledge and commitment to following a few universal practices from others who brew great coffee. Coffee drinking is almost as common as drinking water and is a very important part of many people's day from the time they get up in the morning until perhaps their after dinner latte in the evening. Just as people who love to cook follow many good chef's advice about certain dishes, if you want to make delicious coffee, then you should follow these basic tips.

While there are several things to consider regarding making good coffee such as what kind of coffee maker to choose and what type of beans to select, these are really a matter of preference for each person. But there are a couple of things that are really basic to making good coffee no matter what kind of coffee maker you use or what type of coffee beans you select.

As simple as it may sound, the water that you use is very important in producing very good coffee. Some people can use water straight from their tap because it is either fresh well water or very good tasting, pure water. However, in many parts of the country a lot of tap water is laden with chlorine or other foul tastes that can corrupt your fresh brewed coffee no matter how expensive your appliance and coffee beans are. So, the first rule of thumb in making good coffee is to use quality water in every cup of java you brew. If you have to install a drinking water filter on your kitchen tap, it is well worth your investment. Perhaps you will need to purchase quality water for your coffee. In any case, choose good tasting water to make your coffee.

Secondly, choose good coffee beans. That doesn't necessarily mean that you have to choose a high end, gourmet bean, but it does mean that you need to select fresh coffee beans. It's usually best to buy coffee beans that are whole and that are not displayed in an open bin such as what you may find in a grocery store. Perhaps purchase coffee beans from a gourmet shop that has them stored in an airtight container. Also, only purchase enough beans for the week. The longer you store them, the more they loose their original flavor. Then, be sure to only grind the amount of beans that you need each day for your coffee. This will provide the most flavor since the oils and natural taste is not diluted by grinding the beans ahead of time.

It is not that hard to make good coffee if you follow these simple tips. However, you'd be surprised at how many people wonder why their expensive coffee beans and high end coffee maker does not yield better tasting coffee. Learning how to make good coffee is easy and simple if you stick to the basics of good brewing methods.

Thanks for reading the article : Tips About How to Make Good Coffee
see also : Coffee: The Good, the Bad, and the Yummy

P.S. Orr has been writing articles for 6 years on a variety of topics of interest such as product reviews. Come visit http://www.singleservecoffeemakerstore.com/ which helps people learn more about coffee facts and find helpful information about gourmet coffee machines.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=P.S._Orr
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