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Making Great Coffee

Author: Patrick Fitz-Gibbon

Making Great Coffee - There is nothing more satisfying than having a freshly brewed coffee in the morning. I say fresh as good coffee is not about getting it out of the jar but actually making your own from fresh beans. You just can\'t beat the aroma of freshly ground beans.
Coffee Origins

Coffee has come a long way since it was first discovered in Ethiopia in the 15th Century. It is now thought to be one of the largest agriculture exports in the world. The actual country that coffee beans from will determine its flavor, aroma and body and the taste characteristics will also change depending on the growing region. For those of you that like strong robust coffee, Brazilian beans are a favorite and Brazil has the largest export of beans per year than most other countries.

Barista Perfection
There is no perfect way to make a coffee it really depends on your taste buds but the best way is if you buy whole beans and grind them yourself at home. This will produce the best tasting coffee. You can grind using a mortar and pestle but this is not only time consuming but hard work. There are some great coffee machines on the market that contain an inbuilt mill and this is by far the easiest way. Coffee machines have evolved since they were fist invented many years ago and now you are able to make coffee at home as good as any Barista in any coffee house. When choosing a coffee maker you will want to make sure that it has all the suitable functions and enables you to make the style of coffee you love. Many on the market are aimed at different types of coffee, such as lattes, cappuccinos etc. However there are also certain ones that will produce all styles of coffee. They are more expensive but well worth it if you appreciate fresh coffee and it something you will use often.

Good For You Too
There are also some great health benefits in drinking coffee, did you know that research scientists have discovered that coffee can lower cholesterol which can help cut the risk of heart disease by up to 40 it also has a high level of antioxidants which as we know are good for us as they been proven to reduce the risk of many diseases and illnesses. So all this time experts have been telling us that coffee is not good for you, well it looks like it is. Obviously you don\'t want to start drinking it by the galleon, that won\'t be good as it can also have laxative effects! But it is nice to know that whilst you are enjoying your morning brew you actually doing yourself some good to!

Coffee is an affordable luxury that can be enjoyed by all. If you enjoy your coffee, then make it the right way and you will ensure you get a great tasting cup, every time.

Thanks for reading the article :  Making Great Coffee
see also :   Tips To Make Your Coffee More Savory

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/coffee-articles/making-great-coffee-5133756.html
About the Author
If you want to know more about how to make great coffee then visit our site by clicking the links. We have have information on the best espresso machines which will make the perfect cup.
tags:how to make great coffee,great tasting coffee,coffee machines,coffee machine,great coffee
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