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Making Delicious Iced Coffee at Home

By Steve Menzies

Making Delicious Iced Coffee at Home- Iced Coffee is a wonderful treat for a hot summers day. It combines the best of both worlds - the glorious taste of coffee, and in a cool and refreshing ice base. This article explores the technique that you should follow, step by step, to ensure that you make the perfect ice cold beverage each and every time:

Step 1. Make a batch of your favourite coffee. This is really a matter of personal taste, and so can be either a high quality instant coffee, drip filter, percolator, stove-top or even an espresso coffee. In fact, if you are after a rich, intense coffee taste for your Iced Coffee, then espresso is definitely the way to go. With many great tasting decaffeinated blends on the market these days, a great tasting ice-coffee without the caffeine hit is also a viable alternative if you so desire.

Step 2. Allow the brew to cool naturally. Place your batch of freshly batch on the kitchen table and let it cool naturally. We recommend that you do not put it in the fridge at this stage, as this can sometimes have a detrimental effect on the final overall taste experience.

Step 3. Pour the coffee your just brewed into a large container. To this, add milk. Again, the amount of milk that you add will depend on personal taste. Obviously, the more milk you add, the weaker the coffee hit will be (but conversely, your batch of iced coffee will be larger). Once you've poured the milk in, stir briskly until the coffee and milk are well mixed.

Step 4. Place the iced coffee in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Do not remove until you ensure that the coffee mixture has well and truly chilled.

Step 5. Take out some tall glasses to pour in the iced coffee. Ice-cream soda type glasses are a popular choice for this, but any tall glass can be used really. Pour the Iced Coffee into the glass, and then add your favourite topping.

Step 6. Adding a topping is purely optional. Many caffeine drinkers prefer the simple, straight iced-coffee variety on a hot summers day - it certainly does make it easier to drink. Other drinkers prefer to embellish their coffee creation with toppings. The most popular topping is without doubt whipped cream, and with a dusting of chocolate on top. Another addition that you can add is give it a splash of flavoured syrup all over the top of the whipped cream. There are many flavours of syrup that can fit the bill here - coffee flavoured syrup, chocolate flavoured syrup and hazelnut flavour syrup are always firm favourites in this regard. Ultimately, the choice of toppings is up to you and your imagination - go on, be creative!

So the next time that the summer heat is getting to you, and you feel the need to cool down with a smooth refreshing beverage, consider a cool iced-coffee for a pleasant change. You'll get the goodness of fresh cream milk, the wonderful taste of coffee, and a nice coffee pick-me-up to go with it. Enjoy!

Thank you for reading the article : Making Delicious Iced Coffee at Home
see also :  Four Great Uses for Cold Coffee

How-To-Make-Good-Coffee.com brings its readers a wealth of knowledge about all facets of coffee - coffee making, coffee beans, and many different types off coffee drinks - including Iced Coffee.
To learn more great coffee drink recipes that you can make at home, please visit: How To Make Good Coffee [http://www.how-to-make-good-coffee.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Menzies
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