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How to Make a Great Cup of Coffee

By E. York

How to Make a Great Cup of Coffee - Here are some tips on how to make good coffee

Choose quality coffee beans
The quality of the coffee you make is determined by the beans you use. Quality does not necessarily mean choosing the most expensive. The quality of the beans is determined more by their freshness. Freshly roasted beans, which are ground preferably before you brew your coffee, will give you a good cup of coffee. When purchasing your coffee beans, only buy enough of what you require, as storing them for a long time will make them lose their freshness.

Use quality water
There is no reason to spend money on great coffee beans only to spoil the quality of coffee by using low quality water. While tap water in some areas may be fresh and good tasting, in most parts it contains a foul taste and is loaded with chlorine. These chemicals and tastes will be transferred to the coffee spoiling the taste. The secret on how to make good coffee is using fresh and clean water.

Use clean equipments
If you use an old brewer, there is a great chance that you will taste something weird in your cup. While making your coffee, always ensure that you use clean equipment and if possible, use something that is not too old.

Choose a good brewing method
While the beans and the water used determines the quality of the coffee, the method of brewing you choose is also very significant. There are several brewing methods and each of them is very important as it delivers a unique flavor. The brewing method is also dependent on the personal preference of each individual. Some of the best coffee brewing methods include:

  1. Automatic drip - this is one of the most popular methods used to brew coffee in the United States. It's made by pouring hot water slowly over grounds in a filter to give you a smooth and clear cup of coffee.
  2. Vacuum brewing - put the ground coffee on the funnel of the coffee maker and bring the water in the flask just close to boiling. The pressure of the steam will force the water into the funnel. Stir the coffee once the water is in the funnel and extinguish the flame after about three minutes. The cooling of the mixture will separate the coffee and the grounds, the grounds on top and the coffee in the flask.
  3. French press - for every 3 ounces of hot water, add one tablespoon of ground coffee to the equipment. Stir the mixture slightly after 3 minutes. If the coffee grounds are fresh, they will create foam. Add more hot water and then separate the mixture after about three minutes to be left with a dense brew.

Learning how to make a good cup of coffee is very easy and with this knowledge, you don't have to spend lots of money buying coffee from expensive coffee shops.

Thanks for reading the article : How to Make a Great Cup of Coffee
see also :  Making Good Coffee at Home is Not Difficult!

For more useful coffee tips and reviews for everything a coffee drinker needs, visit CoffeDrinker.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=E._York
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