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How to Make Good Coffee

Author: Jenny Jone

How to Make Good Coffee - A great day begins with the perfect cup of coffee; how then is the best way to make good coffee?

Good coffee begins with choosing the right coffee beans. Choosing coffee beans that will provide the flavor you are looking for and are fresh. The best coffee comes from the freshest beans. They should have a strong coffee smell and have a slight oily glaze. Beans sold at local supermarkets are typically stale; the best way to get truly fresh beans is find a local roaster you can purchase from. When purchasing beans remember to purchase in smaller quantities you can use within a short amount of time vs. buying in large quantities that will lead to using stale beans. If you must store the beans be sure they are kept in an airtight container. If the container is good an airtight it\'s not necessary to refrigerate or freeze them.

Using your fresh beans, you will next grind them. Grind the beans just before you are ready to use them. Using a grinder, grind them until they are somewhere between a medium and fine ground. Using a ratio of about one scoop or tablespoon per cup of coffee add the fresh ground beans to your coffee maker. If you are uncomfortable grinding your own beans, you can still make great coffee by having your coffee shop grind them for you. Fresh ground coffee beans should last you for a week or so and still provide excellent flavor.
The most important tip for choosing the right coffee beans is that the fresher the better and it is worth the money to get a better quality and fresher bean.

Next, it\'s important to pay attention to how you brew the coffee. For great coffee use one heaping tablespoon per serving, and if you like it just a little stronger add one extra tablespoon at the end. While beginning with the proper ratio of coffee to water, the actual water is just as important. Using cold, filtered water will allow for better flavor as well as keep our various mineral deposits. Unless you want to spend a lot of time cleaning your coffeemaker, forgo the French press and use a regular drip coffeemaker. A key in making great coffee from a drip maker is to make the full six cups to get a better taste. The fuller the pot the better the flavor will be.

Finally, enjoy the wonderful aroma of the coffee as it brews. Once the coffee is brewed you can sit down, relax, and enjoy that great cup of black coffee. If you prefer, you can add cream, half and half, or sugar to flavor; however the best brewed coffee shouldn't need much additional flavor because it should have a complex, pleasant taste all on its own.

The key to making good coffee consistently is to stick to what you find works for you. Every person enjoys coffee with just a little different flavor; if you find you really enjoy a particular bean ground to a particular fineness that\'s what you should continue to buy and brew.

Thank you for reading the article : How to Make Good Coffee
see also :   Steps to make Homemade Iced Latte and Iced Mocha

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/coffee-articles/how-to-make-good-coffee-6038662.html
About the Author
http://coffeeandteaheaven.com/ knows coffee! A lot goes in to making your favorite cup of coffee or tea and at Coffee and Tea Heaven they know just how to help you. Whether you are looking for your favorite gourmet blend or wanting to try a new chai tea, we can help you.
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