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4 Mistakes We Make with Coffee

Author: Marcey Barichello

4 Mistakes We Make with Coffee - Coffee is a wonderful drink that is part of our everyday routine, for many of us, anyway. It tastes great, it wakes us up, it smells good, it keeps us sane, etc. Bottom line is that it does a lot of things for us. However, there are certain things we do with coffee that are not quite the way they are supposed to be.

The first thing we often do with coffee is that for people trying to quit smoking, they try to use coffee to replace the cigarette. The person tries to cut the smokes and replaces it with their French press and coffee grounds. Why is this a bad idea? The chemical by-products that are produced by the tobacco in the cigarettes make the liver perform faster and metabolize caffeine faster than usual. Due to that, smokers now have a higher caffeine tolerance and have to drink three or four times the amount of coffee than non-smokers to get the same effect. When trying to quit smoking, try to not drink as much coffee as you did when smoking and use an appropriate smoking alternative.

The second thing we tend to do is drink our coffee too late in the morning. You want coffee in the morning to wake you up, so we have a cup around 9 or so, which is good. However, having another cup in the late morning, around lunch time, this is no good since that is when the body naturally produces more chemicals to wake you up and if you take a long time to metabolize caffeine, then the stuff might not be out of your system by the time it is bed time. If you find it hard to sleep at night, perhaps you are having your coffee too late in the morning, you can say it is safe this is the cause if you have your caffeinated coffee in the afternoon or evening. It is easy to brew another cup when you have a k cup coffee maker or other coffee pod machines.

The third thing is that we may try to sweat out the caffeine. Maybe you had one cup too many and you feel jittery. It is common for people to try and sweat it out or soak up the caffeine with some food. Well, depending on what you eat, it can work, usually, it does not. Trying to sweat out the caffeine is no bueno because no matter what you do, the caffeine will be broken down and processed at the same speed.

The fourth thing is believing that only the die-hards can enjoy espresso. Sure, espresso packs a real punch but it is not only for those who are big coffee lovers. However, a small shot of espresso has less caffeine than a regular cup of coffee ( 8 ounces).

Thanks for reading the article : 4 Mistakes We Make with Coffee
see also : Selecting a Good Coffee Maker - Some Tips You Should Know

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/coffee-articles/4-mistakes-we-make-with-coffee-6941399.html
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